3D Game Programming All in One
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// control/misc/items.cs
// Copyright (c) 2003 by Kenneth C. Finney.
// These scripts make use of dynamic attribute values on Item datablocks,
// these are as follows:
// maxInventory Max inventory per object (100 bullets per box, etc.)
// pickupName Name to display when client pickups item
// Item objects can have:
// count The # of inventory items in the object. This
// defaults to maxInventory if not set.
// Respawntime is the amount of time it takes for a static "auto-respawn"
// object, such as an ammo box or weapon, to re-appear after it's been
// picked up. Any item marked as "static" is automaticlly respawned.
$Item::RespawnTime = 20 * 1000;
// Poptime represents how long dynamic items (those that are thrown or
// dropped) will last in the world before being deleted.
$Item::PopTime = 10 * 1000;
// ItemData base class methods used by all items
function Item::respawn(%this)
// This method is used to respawn static ammo and weapon items
// and is usually called when the item is picked up.
// Instant fade...
%this.startFade(0, 0, true);
// Shedule a reapearance
%this.schedule($Item::RespawnTime, "hide", false);
%this.schedule($Item::RespawnTime + 100, "startFade", 1000, 0, false);
function Item::schedulePop(%this)
// This method deletes the object after a default duration. Dynamic
// items such as thrown or drop weapons are usually popped to avoid
// world clutter.
%this.schedule($Item::PopTime - 1000, "startFade", 1000, 0, true);
%this.schedule($Item::PopTime, "delete");
// Callbacks to hook items into the inventory system
function ItemData::onThrow(%this,%user,%amount)
// Remove the object from the inventory
if (%amount $= "")
%amount = 1;
if (%this.maxInventory !$= "")
if (%amount > %this.maxInventory)
%amount = %this.maxInventory;
if (!%amount)
return 0;
// Construct the actual object in the world, and add it to
// the mission group so it's cleaned up when the mission is
// done. The object is given a random z rotation.
%obj = new Item() {
datablock = %this;
rotation = "0 0 1 " @ (getRandom() * 360);
count = %amount;
return %obj;
function ItemData::onPickup(%this,%obj,%user,%amount)
// Add it to the inventory, this currently ignores the request
// amount, you get what you get. If the object doesn't have
// a count or the datablock doesn't have maxIventory set, the
// object cannot be picked up.
%count = %obj.count;
if (%count $= "")
if (%this.maxInventory !$= "") {
if (!(%count = %this.maxInventory))
%count = 1;
// Inform the client what they got.
if (%user.client)
messageClient(%user.client, 'MsgItemPickup', '\c0You picked up %1', %this.pickupName);
%user.client.money += %this.value;
// If the item is a static respawn item, then go ahead and
// respawn it, otherwise remove it from the world.
// Anything not taken up by inventory is lost.
if (%obj.isStatic())
return true;
// Hook into the mission editor.
function ItemData::create(%data)
// The mission editor invokes this method when it wants to create
// an object of the given datablock type. For the mission editor
// we always create "static" re-spawnable rotating objects.
%obj = new Item() {
dataBlock = %data;
static = true;
rotate = true;
return %obj;
datablock ItemData(Copper)
// Mission editor category, this datablock will show up in the
// specified category under the "shapes" root category.
category = "Coins";
// Basic Item properties
shapeFile = "~/data/models/items/kash1.dts";
mass = 0.7;
friction = 0.8;
elasticity = 0.3;
respawnTime = 30 * 60000;
salvageTime = 15 * 60000;
// Dynamic properties defined by the scripts
pickupName = "a copper coin";
value = 1;
datablock ItemData(Silver)
// Mission editor category, this datablock will show up in the
// specified category under the "shapes" root category.
category = "Coins";
// Basic Item properties
shapeFile = "~/data/models/items/kash100.dts";
mass = 0.7;
friction = 0.8;
elasticity = 0.3;
respawnTime = 30 * 60000;
salvageTime = 15 * 60000;
// Dynamic properties defined by the scripts
pickupName = "a silver coin";
value = 100;
datablock ItemData(Gold)
// Mission editor category, this datablock will show up in the
// specified category under the "shapes" root category.
category = "Coins";
// Basic Item properties
shapeFile = "~/data/models/items/kash1000.dts";
mass = 0.7;
friction = 0.8;
elasticity = 0.3;
respawnTime = 30 * 60000;
salvageTime = 15 * 60000;
// Dynamic properties defined by the scripts
pickupName = "a gold coin";
value = 1000;
// Health Patchs cannot be picked up and are not meant to be added to
// inventory. Health is applied automatically when an objects collides
// with a patch.
datablock ItemData(FirstAidKit)
// Mission editor category, this datablock will show up in the
// specified category under the "shapes" root category.
category = "Health";
// Basic Item properties
shapeFile = "~/data/models/items/healthPatch.dts";
mass = 1;
friction = 1;
elasticity = 0.3;
respawnTime = 600000;
// Dynamic properties defined by the scripts
repairAmount = 200;
maxInventory = 0; // No pickup or throw
function FirstAidKit::onCollision(%this,%obj,%col)
// Apply health to colliding object if it needs it.
// Works for all shapebase objects.
if (%col.getDamageLevel() != 0 && %col.getState() !$= "Dead" )
if (%col.client)
(%col.client,'MSG_Treatment','\c2Medical treatment applied');